The Animal Invitation-- Science, Ethics, Religion and Law in a More-than-Human World
This book will be published in mid-2025 by Brill
What follows are (1) four basic questions addressed in the book, and (2) Additional Materials cited in the book's footnotes which supplement various discussions in the book.
Four Basic Questions
This book poses a quartet of questions, each of which is described as having more power than its current answer.
[From Chapter 5, Science and the Invitation to Their Realities] How much better would our scientific exploration beif, as we go about each of our many different science fields that in some way explore nonhuman animals, we already knew a great deal about (i) what our ethical systems have suggested about other animals, (ii) what our religious traditions have claimed, and (iii) what our legal systems have in the past done and now might attempt because they play such a prominent role in every modern nation state?
[From Chapter 6, "Ethics and the Invitations to Care"] What might we learn about ethics if, for the purpose of seeing this human capacity as well as possible, we search our human legal systems, our religious and wisdom traditions, and our many sciences in order to fathom what humans can know of our nonhuman neighbors and our own animal features?
[From Chapter 7, "Religion and More-than-Human Animals"] Can we better fathom our religious and wisdom/spirituality traditions if we have also noticed, taken seriously, and then dispassionately explored the animal features evident in the ways humans have pursued and now are doing science, ethics and law?
[from Chapter 8, "Law and Other Animals"] How much better will our species understand what different human communities have attempted through the law if, as we attempt such an understanding, we have already explored seriously our own animal features as they connect us to what is claimed about nonhuman animals in our sciences, ethics, and religions?
Additional Materials for Introduction
currently being edited
Additional Materials for Chapter One “Animals’ Invitations"
currently being edited
Additional Materials for Chapter Two "The Situated Braid"
currently being edited
Additional Materials for Chapter Three "Social Construction in the Situated Braid"
currently being edited
Additional Materials forChapter Four “On Finishing Revolutions-- Ferment, Multiple Invitations and Re-Revolution"
currently being edited
Additional Materials forChapter Five "Science and the Invitation to Their Realities"
currently being edited
Additional Materials forChapter Six “Ethics and Invitations to Care”
currently being edited
Additional Materials forChapter Seven “Religion and More-than-Human Animals”
currently being edited
Additional Materials Chapter Eight “Law and Other Animals”
currently being edited
Additional Materials Chapter Nine “Education and Other Animals-- Seeing the Pluralism
currently being edited
Additional Materials Chapter Ten “Re-Walking the Shared Earth Community”